There are seven chakras in the human body, each corresponding to a different area
of the physical self. When one of the chakras becomes imbalanced or blocked, it can
have physical, emotional and spiritual impacts aromatherapy Singapore. While there are many ways to
balance the chakras, including yoga, meditation and a healthy diet, aromatherapy
can also be an effective tool to use. Essential oils, in particular, can help to align and
balance the chakras. The scents associated with specific essential oil blends are
thought to correspond with certain chakras. Chakra aromatherapy uses
aromatherapy and natural ingredients to energize, encourage healing and promote

There is a growing interest in using essential oils to support health and wellbeing,
including chakra balancing Nila aromatherapy. Essential oils are believed to contain the essence of a
plant and carry its energies, which can be absorbed through the skin, helping to
restore balance.
Combined with the power of intention, essential oils can have an incredible impact
on our mental, emotional and physical health. The combination of these two
powerful forces creates a very holistic approach to wellness. While there are many
ways to incorporate essential oils into daily self-care routines, using them in a
chakra aromatherapy bath is a very simple way to bring your body back into
The Root Chakra (Muladhara)
Associated with the pelvic and sex organs, the root chakra is responsible for a sense
of groundedness, stability and connection to our environment. Using essential oils
like patchouli and vetiver can energize the root chakra and help to strengthen a
foundation of trust and security.
The Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)
Known as the ‘city of jewels’, the sacral chakra is where we find our creativity and
sensuality. When this energy center is out of balance, it can cause feelings of
jealousy, anger and low self-esteem. Infusing the sacral chakra with essential oils
like ylang ylang can evoke positive moods and help to increase libido.

The Heart Chakra (Anahata)
When the heart chakra is in balance, it brings a sense of compassion and love for
ourselves and others. This energy center is nourished by foods that are high in
antioxidants, like blueberries and green leafy vegetables. Infusing your heart chakra
with the scent of rose is thought to stimulate feelings of love and open
communication. Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is all about communication and expression, both verbal and non-
verbal. When this energy centre is in balance, it enables us to say what we need

without judgement and helps us connect with our own truth. Infusing the throat
chakra with the scent of basil (holy) can encourage clear communication.
Crown Chakra

The crown chakra, or ajna, is the “mind’s eye” in the centre of your forehead.
Balancing this energy center is about letting go of material things and embracing
enlightenment. Infusing the crown chakra with the scent of jasmine or our Crown
Chakra Blend, which combines frankincense, lavender, eucalyptus and ylang ylang,
can encourage feelings of enlightenment and help to keep your mind open.

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